Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

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Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

I've always had a soft spot for the 7A38-6080, particularly the all stainless version, SAA089J - even if the dressy design with Roman numerals looks a little dated and slightly effeminate. :) Although I never properly completed the model's specification in the dedicated thread on the old forum, it's still handy for reference, particularly past selling prices.

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Needless to say, I still have David's photos on file, which he kindly sent me 12 years ago, way back in April 2009:

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-DavidJohnson-3.jpg (139.1 KiB) Viewed 3797 times
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Here's a couple of small crops from Seiko's 1988 German catalogue, showing the recommended retail price of 555 DM, which incidentally at today's exchange rates, equates to approx. 284 Euros or $340 US.

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I'm not sure whether this model was only sold in Germany, but that appeared to be the primary target market. If you're looking for one of these, as the 6 pages of the old forum's model thread clearly demonstrate, eBay Germany is the place to search. Spurred on by David's photos, the model very briefly became 'a grail' for me. They're relatively easy to find, once you know where to look. I bought my first one in September 2009 and another in better, almost mint, condition in June 2011. Checking my records (FWIW, it was 10 years ago), I paid 99.98 Euros and 103.58 Euros for them respectively.

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Here's an old wrist shot of my better example, taken 9 years ago in April 2012. It's still in the same mint condition.

rsz_7a38-6080-stainless-whiteface-wristshot-p1090940.jpg (213.45 KiB) Viewed 3797 times

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

I'd intended to write this up earlier, but a couple of things caused me to delay slightly: firstly the seller was evidently having problems with eBay photo hosting (of more anon), then the new forum went live soon afterwards, changing my priorities. This stainless 7A38-6080 SAA089J, in lightly worn well cared for condition, was listed by a US eBay seller on Tuesday this week, with a frankly ridiculous Buy-it-Now asking price of $899.99 (call it $900) ! :shock: Their description is fanciful at best and includes veiled references to Gerald Genta and 'Royal Oak', which is nothing short of deliberate keyword spamming. To make matters worse, they're tantalizingly offering it to potential buyers outside USA, through eBay's dysfunctional GSP programme. If that actually worked (it doesn't because of the covert embargo agreement between eBay and Seiko), that would potentially add another $255 in charges on top !! :o ... 3347143334

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When their listing first went live on Tuesday, only 8 of the 12 photos they'd uploaded were displaying properly. Even the primary image was blank at the time, so I didn't bother taking a screenshot. They appear to eventually have fixed that one, but even today 3 of their photos still aren't working. The eBay revision history shows they've made a number of attempts to rectify this:

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay-April2021-Revisions.png (37.42 KiB) Viewed 3802 times

On Tuesday evening, I thought I'd drop them a message, pointing this out, in case they weren't aware of the problem. But when I clicked on the listing, I was extremely annoyed to find that they'd 'borrowed' my old wrist shot (or a very grainy reproduction of it), watermarked it as 'EXAMPLE' and used that to replace one of their previous blank images ! :x With so many of my photos regularly being reposted (usually without permission, nor credit), particularly on sites like Pinterest, I saw red and told them to remove it in no uncertain terms ! :evil: From memory (timings are approximate) the last two changes they made on the 13th were when they added my wrist shot and subsequently promptly removed it. :lol:

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

To put the deluded keyword spamming US eBay seller's ridiculous asking price of $900 into perspective, there were a couple of stainless 7A38-6080's listed on eBay Germany in March. The first was in typical well-worn condition, with a flat battery, listed incorrectly with a typo in the model number (-6040) in the title, as a 5-day auction with an opening bid price of 1 Euro, which really deserved no better and sold for a mere 55 Euros after 17 bids. ... 4017482847

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay(Germany)-March2021-Ended-Sold-55Euros.png (43.47 KiB) Viewed 3791 times

The second example was in much better condition (although the seller's photos frankly didn't do it justice) - I'd opine it was on par with the US seller's example. It was being sold by the original owner, who'd received it as a Christmas gift in December 1989. According to their description, it had only been worn for special occasions. I can't remember exactly what the original Buy-it-Now price was (possibly 220 Euros), but the seller reduced it a couple of times, to 160 Euros. Even after that, it sold for a presumably lower best offer. ... 4395646844

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay(Germany)-March2021-Another-Ended-Sold-BestOffer.png (37.72 KiB) Viewed 3792 times

Coincidentally, those two sold on eBay Germany had serial numbers close to that of the US seller's example (792079), being 792062 and 792100 respectively, which indicates September 1987 manufacture (not August, per the US seller).

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Checking my eBay watching page, I can hardly believe my eyes. :shock: That not exactly rare stainless 7A38-6080 SAA089J appears to have sold in the early hours of this morning, not for a lower offer, but the Buy-it-Now price of $899.99 !! :o ... 3347143334

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay-April2021-Ended-Sold-$899.99.png (49.87 KiB) Viewed 3712 times

In the words of H.G. Wells (from The Invisible Man) ....

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Here's a funny coincidence (or not quite so amusing, depending on your viewpoint) - rather another case of Déjà Vu. :roll:
This stainless 7A38-6080 SAA089J in almost mint condition (not NOS as claimed) was listed on eBay Germany, half a hour ago, by another of the regular profiteering re-sellers: m.a.k.2979, with a typical greedily marked-up Buy-it-Now price of 355 Euros. It is of course the same 7A38-6080 SAA089J which sold on eBay Germany, less than a fortnight ago, for a best offer (of less than 160 Euros). I'd already mentioned its case-back serial number 792100 in my penultimate post. ... 4264255372

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay(Germany)-April2021-(re-seller)-Listing.png (150.43 KiB) Viewed 3693 times
Seiko7A38 wrote: Sun Apr 18, 2021 9:29 amThe second example was in much better condition (although the seller's photos frankly didn't do it justice) - I'd opine it was on par with the US seller's example. It was being sold by the original owner, who'd received it as a Christmas gift ...
The current German eBay re-seller's photos bear out what I'd written earlier. Now I'd go so far as to say that it's better.

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The only thing I can fault it on is that it's missing one of the alternate centre link ornaments from near the end of the 12 o'clock side of the bracelet, which have a tendency to fall off during re-sizing. I'm not sure who to feel more sorry for - the watch's original owner of 31 years, who let it go too cheaply (for lack of better photos), or the mug punter who just paid the US eBay seller $900 for an over-hyped similar condition example. :(

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Looks like profiteering German eBay seller m.a.k.2979 has already found a mug punter buyer for that nice example of stainless 7A38-6080. It sold early this morning for his 355 Euros Buy-it-Now price, netting him at least 200 Euros profit. ... 4264255372

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay(Germany)-April2021-(re-seller)-Ended-Sold-355Euros.png (39.31 KiB) Viewed 3637 times

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - a bargain !

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Perhaps I may have missed a couple, but it's been more than two years since I last saw a stainless 7A38-6080 listed on eBay Germany - that was in July 2022. There was a NOS example listed at the beginning of November, that wouldn't have been difficult to miss, because the German seller didn't include the 7A38 case number in the title or description. Fortunately I have a saved search set up on the sales code Seiko SAA*** which did find it. It was a 10-day auction with an opening bid price of €9.99 Euros. Unfortunately the seller was blocking bids from the UK, so I couldn't bid on it. :(

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The seller's oversight in omitting to include the 7A38 case model code didn't appear to have cost the listing too much visibility. As you can see from my previous screen print, it received 80 views on the first day, which increased to 200 views in the last 24 hours. At its peak the listing had attracted 95 watchers. Unfortunately for the short-sighted seller, that wasn't reflected in the bidding. With five minutes of the auction remaining it had only been bid to €93 Euros.

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-eBay(Germany)-Nov2024-Ended-Sold-€174.55Euros.jpg (136.84 KiB) Viewed 492 times

Seven snipe bids from seven different bidders came in the last ten seconds, bringing the final price to €174.55 Euros after 34 bids. A proverbial bargain for some lucky punter.

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Re: Nice S/S 7A38-6080 SAA089J on eBay - But $900 ???

Post by Seiko7A38 »

That almost NOS condition stainless 7A38-6080 SAA089J reappeared this morning - listed on Chrono24 by a would-be profiteering Austrian re-seller with a typically greedy marked-up asking price of €435 Euros (£370 GBP equivalent). ... hZpYrupGAz

rsz_7a38-6080-stainless-whiteface-chrono24-jan2025-re-seller-listing-.jpg (242.33 KiB) Viewed 272 times

The seller has uploaded 20 photos, including some close-ups of the watch case, which reveal that it's far from mint.

7A38-6080-Stainless-WhiteFace-Chrono24-Jan2025-(Re-seller)-6.jpg (198.56 KiB) Viewed 269 times

These two prove that it is the same watch:

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