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Unusual listing for a NOS condition 7A38-6010 watch case

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:15 pm
by Seiko7A38
Was anybody else here watching this Spanish eBay auction for a NOS condition 7A38-6010 watch case ? It was listed this time last week as a 7-day auction, with an opening bid price of 49 Euros. The Spanish seller seemed unaware that what he'd dropped into the empty case was actually a 707L dial for a 7A38-705A. :roll: For most of the week, I had remained the high bidder. I didn't really need either the case nor dial, but had been mulling over a couple of ideas of using them to create frankens. Yesterday afternoon, by chance I struck up an Instagram DM conversation with a forum member. ;)
Transpired he also had his eye on it and more importantly, specifically wanted the case to refurbish his 7A38-6010 ....
So naturally, I deferred to his greater need. ;) ... 4715713477

7A38-6010-(Divers)-Black+Gold-EmptyWatchCase+707Ldial-(7A38-705A)-eBay-July2021-Listing.png (230.32 KiB) Viewed 6057 times
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The auction ended a few moments ago, selling for 86.50 Euros after 8 bids - less than I'd anticipated.

7A38-6010-(Divers)-Black+Gold-EmptyWatchCase+707Ldial-(7A38-705A)-eBay-July2021-Ended-Sold-86.50Euros.png (50.57 KiB) Viewed 6056 times