How to edit your member profile.

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How to edit your member profile.

Post by Seiko7A38 »

As I hope you've already read in the Rules and Guidelines thread, we're requesting, as a condition of joining the forum, that all members state their location on their profile. This isn't a mandatory phpBB requirement, so you won't be asked for it when you complete your initial registration. You'll need to edit your profile after you've joined, by going to your User Control Panel. There, click on the [Profile] tab, followed by the [Edit Profile] button. In the screenshot below the Location is marked with a red asterisk. The field length is 50 characters. Please use a maximum of 30, which still leaves room for plenty of scope. For those among you who may feel reluctant or sensitive about disclosure, I'll reiterate what I wrote earlier in the 'Rules and Guidelines' thread:
please don't just give the bare minimum, you feel obliged to, like 'UK' or 'USA', because I will probably ask you to expand on that.
MemberProfile-EditLocation.png (45.54 KiB) Viewed 12267 times

All other fields on that page, including 'Birthday' are optional. Once you've finished, hit the [Submit] button. Thanks !

I'm also requesting that members add an avatar, to help make recognition easier, as the forum membership grows ....

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Re: How to edit your member profile.

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Uploading an avatar is relatively simple. Creating one is only slightly more difficult. As shown in my screenshot below, the maximum permitted dimensions and file size are 90x90 pixels and 34KB. Unfortunately phpBB's software does not automatically re-size it for you, so once you've chosen the basis for your avatar, you need to crop and / or reduce the image to meet those requirements. I'm using the same 7A38-701B 'Vulcan' avatar that I've used for the last 10 years or so, which I created in MS Paint. If you need help reducing the size of your original image (still retaining a reasonable definition), please read the relevant posts (about re-sizing photos) in this other topic.

Once you've prepared your avatar, be it a .jpg, .png or .gif, simply click on the 'Edit Avatar' button, which takes you to: ... ode=avatar

MemberProfile-Edit+Upload-Avatar.png (45.43 KiB) Viewed 12274 times

Click the 'Choose File' button (upload from your machine), assuming your avatar meets requirements - and then 'Submit'.

If, rather than a watch, or something related, gear wheels, logo, whatever, you want to opt for a cartoon-like avatar of yourself, there are plenty of free online tools available, with which you can create one (in varying degrees of likeness). Just Google Avatar Maker. Here's a few examples from the old forum, by dendirk (Dirk), kerochan (Dave) and McNulty:

Avatar-dendirk-Dirk.png (17.02 KiB) Viewed 12261 times
Avatar-kerochan-Dave.png (31.23 KiB) Viewed 12261 times
Avatar-McNulty.png (23.32 KiB) Viewed 12261 times
But I'm not quite sure how Phil managed to arrive at his ! :lol:
Avatar-Phil.png (30.97 KiB) Viewed 12261 times

Please remember - Nothing offensive and strictly no animated avatars are allowed !! :!:

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Re: How to edit your member profile.

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Whereas I don't mind people having signatures and using them occasionally in their posts - introduction is a good place, I don't want to see them needlessly cluttering up forum threads, repeated ad nauseam, particularly if signature is longer than your one line post. Please switch off. ... =signature

Signatures-HowEdit.png (29.66 KiB) Viewed 12272 times

Signatures-PleaseUncheck.png (12.3 KiB) Viewed 12272 times ... &mode=post

Signatures-DefaultOffPlease.png (21.99 KiB) Viewed 12272 times

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