Welcome to the new Seiko 7A38 forum

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Welcome to the new Seiko 7A38 forum

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Whether you're just visiting, or registering as a new member, I'd like to welcome you to our new forum. When this one goes live, hopefully some time later this month, it will replace the old Webs forum. That vast repository of knowledge, compiled over 9 years, has thankfully been saved as a static archive elsewhere on this site.

Note my deliberate use of 'our'. This is a grateful acknowledgement to the tireless efforts of our new host Johnny_E. ;)

As you can see we've opted for a custom phpBB colour scheme / theme ('Aero'), not too dissimilar from that of the old forum, whose header / theme was 'Air' (and originally looked quite pleasing, before Webs messed it up). If you don't like the blue hues, in the far bottom right hand corner of the toolbar header, there's a small paintbrush icon, where you can change the colour swatch. Or at least I can, with my Admin login. Trust me, the default shades of blue work best. 8-)

The icon to the far left of the header bar is my 7A38-706A (with a matching dark blue dial) - a nod to the working Flash powered clock (cropped from a larger version of the same photo), which once graced the Home page of the old website.

In an effort to keep the same 'look and feel, we've also replicated the forum sections from the old site, in the same order. There have also been a couple of additions, which will enhance what we had before. The previous forum's General Discussion section (under 'Welcome') at the top has been divided into 4 sub-forums, whose titles should hopefully make topics easier to find. Acknowledging that there's probably just as much interest in Seiko 7A28's (as in 7A38's), we've added a dedicated forum section. Naturally, the 7A38 section is still there, but rather than being rigidly controlled, limited by the existence of a model specific thread, it's now open to any member who wishes to contribute.

Since I stopped posting on the old forum in the last week of January 2021, over the last couple of weeks since we got this replacement set up, I've taken the opportunity of seeding some of the new forum sections with a few threads, to give new members something to read - and get things rolling. Please feel free to join in the discussions. :)

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