In the meantime, his watch fettling skills have vastly increased, far exceeding my own abilities. My collection of 7A38s has also increased significantly, to the point where I could barely even keep up with battery replacements

I think I'd already mentioned a few of the watches I'd sent to Simon last year, in various posts in the old forum, notably the WRUW thread, usually after I'd received them back from him 'post fettling'. All were sent as 'head only', requiring movement service (nothing else). Often as not it's because they'd never been fully properly serviced before and were suffering from 'old sticky oil' syndrome. I also emailed Simon Word doc's, describing any unusual symptoms, as shown in the partial quotes in the following posts.
Those of you who've already availed yourselves of Simon's services won't need me telling you that his high standards of workmanship and attention to detail are up there with the best. You'll also have been given a link to Simon's OneDrive photo gallery of your watch's rebuild. With his kind permission, I'm posting links to his work on my watches below.