So the $64K question is: which half-wit came up with the wholly inappropriate 'Royal Oak' misnomer in the first place ? As I wrote earlier, I believe this one, like so many others, originated a few years ago on the SCWF. So I've spent an hour or so running various advanced searches on SCWF trying to identify the progenitor.
This post dated 23rd November 2016 by Filipino member
850champion appears to have sowed the 'Royal Oak' acorn.

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-850Champion-23Nov2016.png (44.5 KiB) Viewed 18177 times
He's quoting a post by German member
Mr.Jones (Jonas), from the previous page, but unfortunately Jonas's embedded photos have disappeared into the ether. Neither did he post the model numbers, so one can't state conclusively that he was actually referring to a 7A38-7020, but the colours (taupe is a shade of brown) could well point to that.
Funnily enough, 18 months earlier, in March 2015, Jonas had contributed to
another SCWF thread by posting this:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-30Mar2015-Mr.Jones.jpg (134.43 KiB) Viewed 18148 times
Apart from the circular bezel, the watch does bear a passing resemblance to the original Genta-designed two-hander. The preceding post included a photo of an Eberhardt watch, which clearly was an intentional rip-off of the AP Royal Oak design, right down to the gently rounded octagonal bezel with screws. That screenshot was actually Jonas's second post in the thread.
In his previous one he'd written: The "Genta" Style was very often found in these days, the "original" is most likely the Audemars Piguet "Royal Oak". At this stage, there were no hints of any comparison with the Seiko 7A38.
I've searched SCWF fairly rigorously and the first use of the term 'Royal Oak' to describe a 7A38-7020
(albeit in lower case), appears to be this post, by Dutch Seiko collector Peter Gnodde, in starting an
'incoming' thread on 19th February 2017:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-19Feb2017-pgnodde.png (150.49 KiB) Viewed 18172 times
first FS advert on the SCWF Trading Post for a 7A38-7020, including 'Royal Oak', was made by his Dutch compatriot
BigV86 soon afterwards, appearing on 1st March 2017:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-1Mar2017-BigV86.jpg (123.79 KiB) Viewed 18175 times
Much to my annoyance and dismay, US SCWF member
cfw posted this worn but perfectly wearable two-tone 7T34-7A10
in starting a new thread, entitled Seiko Royal Oak on 18th August 2017:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-18Aug2017-cfw-7T34.jpg (174.81 KiB) Viewed 18168 times
He went on to comprehensively ruin the watch by stripping the remaining gold plating and re-brushing it rather too coarsely, somehow managing to obliterate the Tachymeter ring's printing in the process. In early December 2017, he posted a FS advert on SCWF Trading post, asking a ludicrous $350 for his botched handiwork. That advert appears to have been deleted, for infringement of SCWF rules, but I've found this parallel
FS advert he placed on WatchUseek:

- WatchUseek-RoyalOak-FS-Post-cfw-1Dec2017-asking-$350.jpg (146.31 KiB) Viewed 18162 times
He followed up his (deleted) SCWF FS post by starting
another thread entitled: Seiko Royal Oak strap help which was obviously a covert plug for his FS post. At which point, I decided to put him straight by voicing my opinions
in this post:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-8Dec2017-Dazzler.png (45.85 KiB) Viewed 18166 times
Meanwhile, more to my amusement, Pippy (a.k.a Phil Neville)
posted this unusual 7T92-0FW0 variant in a WRUW thread on 19th October 2017, officially claiming responsibility for the 'Royal Oak' moniker:

- SCWF-RoyalOak-Post-19Oct2017-Pippy-text.png (37.88 KiB) Viewed 18170 times

- rsz_scwf-royaloak-post-19oct2017-pippy-7t92-cropped.jpg (126.64 KiB) Viewed 18170 times
Bless him.