Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Seiko7A38 wrote: Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:03 am Although some of his grossly over-priced JDM 7A28's and other 7A38's remain unsold well over a year later, it hasn't deterred greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller rtm127 (a.k.a. Watch and Jewelry Exchange), Ryan Marucheau from scouring Yahoo Japan in search of more potential easy profit. Last night he listed this 7A38-6050, in average worn condition, as a 7-day auction with a typical extortionately marked-up opening bid price of almost $1000 (bar 5 cents). ... 4475855266

7A38-6050-(Divers)-Stainless-BlackFace-RubberStrap-eBay-Dec2022-(Re-seller)-rtm127-Listing.png (237.73 KiB) Viewed 520 times

Here's where he bought the watch (then fitted with a different rubber strap) off Yahoo Japan at the end of November, winning the 5-day auction for ¥50,100 Yen - equivalent to approx. $360 USD at the prevailing exchange rate (versus the ludicrous $1495 shown on his fraudulent C.O.A.)

See: or ... 1073116754

7A38-6050-(Divers)-Stainless-BlackFace-RubberStrap-YahooJapan-Nov2022-Buyee-Ended-Sold-50100Yen.jpg (238.57 KiB) Viewed 520 times
It may have taken him nearly a year and ten months, but it looks like profiteering US eBay re-seller rtm-127, a.k.a. Ryan Marucheau has eventually found a mug punter buyer for his ex-Yahoo Japan 7A38-6050. It sold at the weekend for his grossly inflated Buy-it-Now price of $999.95.

7A38-6050-(Divers)-Stainless-BlackFace-RubberStrap-eBay-Dec2022-(Re-seller)-Ended-Sold-$999.95.png (69.7 KiB) Viewed 520 times

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Evidently profiteering US eBay re-seller Ryan Marucheau (a.k.a. rtm127) is monitoring this thread. He recently sent me this message bragging about his profitability:

eBay-Message-rtm127.png (35.54 KiB) Viewed 451 times

His second paragraph (if true) demonstrates that there are still gullible mug punters out there, with more money than sense, who fail to research prospective purchases. Incidentally, another 7A38-6050 in much better cosmetic condition (albeit a 'head only') sold on Yahoo Japan in mid-September for only ¥38,500 Yen (equivalent to approx. $273.50 USD).

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

In the early hours of this morning, greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller rtm127 (a.k.a. Ryan Marucheau) listed another thousand dollar JDM 7A38, which naturally came from his usual source, Yahoo Japan. This time it's another 7A38-6040.

7A38-6040-(Divers)-Stainless-BlackFace-eBay-Nov2024-Re-seller-rtm127-Listing.jpg (184.01 KiB) Viewed 425 times

He won the auction in late September for 56,000 Yen, equivalent to approx. $390 USD at the prevailing exchange rate.
Probably more than he would have liked to spend, I'd wager, so no boastful 300% profit margin for him on this one. :lol:

7A38-6040-(Divers)-Stainless-BlackFace-YahooJapan-Sept2024-Ended-Sold-56000Yen.jpg (208.74 KiB) Viewed 424 times

I note with mild amusement that he's now given up obscuring the case-back serial numbers of his 7A38 eBay listings. Needless to say, this one wasn't difficult to match either.

rsz_7a38-6040-divers-stainless-blackface-ebay-nov2024-re-seller-9.jpg (226.3 KiB) Viewed 421 times
7A38-6040-(Divers)-Stainless-BackFace-YahooJapan-Sept2024-9.jpg (237.72 KiB) Viewed 421 times

One thing I'd query in his description is the statement: the watch will currently fit a size 7 inch wrist. He doesn't appear to have added any adjustment links to the typically short bracelet and the YJ seller's photo showed it measured 16 cms, which is closer to 6¼ inches. Stretching the truth, perhaps ?

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller rtm127 (a.k.a. Watch and Jewelry Exchange), Ryan Marucheau continues to scour Yahoo Japan for JDM 7Axx's to sell on at inflated mark-ups. It had been fairly quiet on the 7A38 front on YJ in the fourth quarter of last year, so when he listed not one but two 7A38-6030's within a minute of each other, in the early hours of this morning, he had me scratching my head. Turns out that the first one was a bit of a red herring - of more anon.

The second is an average worn condition example, listed as a 7-day auction with a greedily marked-up opening bid price of $849.95. Usually such listings end without any bids placed and he then re-lists it as a Buy-it-Now at the same price.

7A38-6030-(Divers)-Black-eBay-Jan2025-Re-Seller-rtm127-Listing.jpg (175.48 KiB) Viewed 234 times
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That one was fairly easy to track down, because it was the last 7A38-6030 to be listed on Yahoo Japan at the end of last October. It was a 6-day listing by a 'store' seller, with a low start opening bid price of only ¥1 Yen. Frankly, it looked rather grubby and was described as being in poor condition. It was bid to a comparatively low ¥23,200 Yen after only 9 bids. Unusually, there was no automatic extension. Adding the 10% Japanese Sales Tax takes that to ¥25,520 Yen, which is equivalent to a mere $167.60 at the then prevailing exchange rate - compared to the current asking price of $850 !

7A38-6030-(Divers)-Black-YahooJapan-Oct2024-Ended-Sold-25520Yen.jpg (207.23 KiB) Viewed 263 times
7A38-6030-(Divers)-Black-YahooJapan-Oct2024-1.jpg (151.02 KiB) Viewed 261 times
7A38-6030-(Divers)-Black-YahooJapan-Oct2024-7.jpg (129.53 KiB) Viewed 261 times

Needless to say, the case-back serial number 4O4180 matches.

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

As I wrote, his first listing for a 7A38-6030 in the early hours of this morning had me scratching my head - momentarily.
Once again, it's a 7-day auction listing, this time with a slightly lower (by his standards) opening bid price of $739.95:

7A38-6030-(Divers)-Black-eBay-Jan2025-Re-Seller-rtm127-Re-listing.jpg (183.59 KiB) Viewed 230 times
rsz_7a38-6030-divers-black-ebay-jan2025-july2024-re-listed-re-seller-revisedphotos-1.jpg (241.02 KiB) Viewed 253 times
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You'll notice the photos of the two watches look very similar, which added to my albeit temporary confusion. Turns out that he'd already listed this particular 7A38-6030 in early July last year (see previous page), initially as a 7-day auction with an opening bid price of $799.95. When it didn't sell he re-listed it as a Buy-it-Now as usual. This was the first listing where he obfuscated the case-back serial number, in his vain efforts to thwart me. :roll:

rsz_7a38-6030-divers-black-ebay-july2024-reseller-10.jpg (229.48 KiB) Viewed 251 times

As I wrote at the time ....
Seiko7A38 wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 9:57 amAs you can see from my screen print, it sold for ¥39,499 after 12 bids. At the then prevailing exchange rate that equates to approx. $251.60 USD - somewhat less than Ryan's current $800 asking price, but typical of his greedy profit margins. Oh and FWIW, the 'missing' case-back serial number is 511470. :P
Not sure why he re-listed it, other than to reduce the price slightly, but his previous 6 month old Buy-it-Now listing has since disappeared without a trace. Perhaps he deliberately deleted it. :|

PS - Incidentally, rtm127 now has three 7A38-6030's listed on eBay - all ex-Yahoo Japan and all greedily over-priced.

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Re: Another greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller to avoid !!

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Seiko7A38 wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:31 pmIf I've given readers the impression that greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller rtm127 (a.k.a. Ryan Marucheau) pillages Yahoo Japan solely for his JDM Seiko 7Axx stock in trade, the time has come to correct that. Evidently he's not averse to making a quick buck on anything he can snatch up over there. In the early hours of this morning, he listed a well-worn gunmetal two-tone 7A38-725A as a 7-day auction, with a typical greedily marked-up opening bid price of $269.95. ... 5013086554

7A38-725A-Gunmetal+Gold-BlackFace-eBay-Sept2023-(Re-seller-rtm127)-Listing.jpg (175.17 KiB) Viewed 78 times

7A38-725A's aren't rare by any stretch of the imagination. They're relatively common Stateside. But it's been a while since I'd seen one listed on eBay. Funnily enough, the last one I remembered seeing was listed on Yahoo Japan in July.
It was a 7-day auction, which ended with it selling for 11,100 Yen, equivalent to just $76 at today's exchange rate.

7A38-725A-Gunmetal+Gold-BlackFace-YahooJapan-July2023-Ended-Sold-11100Yen.jpg (238.27 KiB) Viewed 78 times
It may have taken him 1 year and 4½ months, but it appears that greedy profiteering US eBay re-seller Ryan Marucheau (a.k.a. Watch and Jewelry Exchange) rtm127 has finally found a mug punter buyer for his ex-Yahoo Japan 7A38-725A.
It eventually sold yesterday for his grossly inflated Buy-it-Now price of $269.95.

7A38-725A-Gunmetal+Gold-BlackFace-eBay-Sept2023-(Re-seller-rtm127)-Ended-Sold-$269.95.png (80.42 KiB) Viewed 76 times

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