Simon's re-build of his beautiful 5856-8000 'King Quartz'

Where to post about Vintage Seiko Quartz watches (prior to 1983 and non-7Axx)
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Simon's re-build of his beautiful 5856-8000 'King Quartz'

Post by Seiko7A38 »

Sadly, nobody's posted anything here yet. :( Those members of the old Webs forum who were interested in early Seiko quartz and contributed to that similarly titled forum section, such as Brian, Don, Lindon (selfdater) haven't registered on this new forum (or if they have, as in Brian's case, haven't posted anything). I must admit, not being chronographs, these watches hold little interest for me personally. But sometimes I come across a really attractive design, like this:

rsz_p1150917-crop.jpg (238.75 KiB) Viewed 12480 times

So if you're interested in early Seiko quartz, I highly recommend checking out Simon's strip and rebuild thread on SCWF.

5856-8000-Rebuild-SCWF-Simon-Post.png (111.36 KiB) Viewed 12478 times

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