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by Seiko7A38
Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:46 am
Forum: Announcements / Rules
Topic: Rules and Guidelines for using this forum
Replies: 7
Views: 11556

Rules and Guidelines for using this forum

Looking back, I was embarrassed to discover that the old forum's 'Rules' thread: Not so much Rules as Guidelines .... had only ever received a mere 2500 views. My own fault entirely. It was something I started quickly cobbling together, on the day the forum opened, and never finished writing up. Nor...
by Seiko7A38
Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:35 am
Forum: Announcements / Rules
Topic: Why phpBB ? (and why it took so long)
Replies: 0
Views: 8871

Why phpBB ? (and why it took so long)

Flesh out text later. Just uploading screenshots for now. Seiko7A38-phpBB-Artodia-Post.png Insert text. WFF-EndingDecember2016.jpg Insert text. Artodia-phpBB-Style-Ultra.png After what must have been a prolonged and painfully slow demise, WFF finally disappeared in November 2018. Latest current phpB...
by Seiko7A38
Sat Feb 06, 2021 3:05 pm
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: The bottom of the 7Axx barrel - Part Deux !!
Replies: 11
Views: 10902

The bottom of the 7Axx barrel - Part Deux !!

Nine years ago, back in February 2012, forum member jair1970 (James Yorke) started an intentionally mildly humorous thread in the eBay section of the old forum entitled: The lower end & bottom of the 7Axx barrel. Bargains & worse: Lower&BottomEndof7AxxBarrel-jair1970-Post.png With hi...
by Seiko7A38
Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:09 am
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: Serial Flipper or Dealer ? You be the judge ....
Replies: 7
Views: 7627

Serial Flipper or Dealer ? You be the judge ....

I've already made my own mind up on this one. :| I've previously pointed out a few instances on the old forum ('outed' being the operative word) that a number of eBay sellers use Instagram to promote their forthcoming listings. Some do it rather more subtly (read sneakily) than others and aren't alw...
by Seiko7A38
Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:16 am
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

Re: How to upload a photo(s) to your post

In a similar vein, please DO NOT hotlink images from eBay listings (or for that matter from any other auction sites). This is relatively easy to do and may seem to you like a quick shortcut - but again it is only a temporary solution. :( From memory, there were a couple of members of the old forum, ...
by Seiko7A38
Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:38 pm
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: Spot the deliberate mistake !
Replies: 1
Views: 2076

Spot the deliberate mistake !

This stainless 7A38-7060 SAA015J, which has evidently suffered moisture ingress at some point and has allegedly been serviced last month, was listed earlier today by a UK eBay seller, with an ambitious 'pie-in-the-sky' Buy-it-Now price of £475. The seller's photos (which I'm not going to bother uplo...
by Seiko7A38
Fri Feb 05, 2021 2:14 pm
Forum: Announcements / Rules
Topic: Welcome to the new Seiko 7A38 forum
Replies: 0
Views: 9707

Welcome to the new Seiko 7A38 forum

Whether you're just visiting, or registering as a new member, I'd like to welcome you to our new forum. When this one goes live, hopefully some time later this month, it will replace the old Webs forum. That vast repository of knowledge, compiled over 9 years, has thankfully been saved as a static a...
by Seiko7A38
Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:58 am
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

Re: How to upload a photo(s) to your post

A few words of warning (speaking from experience) .... If you're using Imgur for your remote hosting, please be careful which link you select, particularly if you've uploaded more than one photo to an album. I don't use it myself, but in the past, I've had to rectify a couple of other members' posts...
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:12 pm
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

Re: How to upload a photo(s) to your post

The other option (which doesn't require any prior re-sizing) is to use a remote image hosting service and 'hotlink'. Most of you will have already used this method on other watch forums (including the old Webs forum). Firstly you need to upload your photo(s) to the chosen image host. Some are free, ...
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:52 pm
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

Re: How to upload a photo(s) to your post

I've actually been using this rather simpler basic tool to re-size my photos for attachments: which claims to be 'The Internet's Original Picture Resizing Tool'. :D
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:03 am
Forum: 7Axx General Discussion Area
Topic: The ONE and ONLY WRUW thread - Part Deux !
Replies: 652
Views: 311547

Re: The ONE and ONLY WRUW thread - Part Deux !

My second paragraph in the original WRUW thread began: As we all know, WRUW is supposed to stand for 'What Are You Wearing?'. So please, Gentlemen, can we stick to the original literal meaning of the phrase. Please post your WRIST shots of your 7Axx's in this thread - and if it's a 7A38 - ideally wi...
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 8:52 am
Forum: 7Axx General Discussion Area
Topic: The ONE and ONLY WRUW thread - Part Deux !
Replies: 652
Views: 311547

The ONE and ONLY WRUW thread - Part Deux !

Those of you who've previously been members, contributed to, or just browsed as a visitor, will no doubt, like myself, fondly remember what was by far the most viewed thread on the old forum: The ONE and ONLY WRUW thread .... It was one of the first threads I started (on 28th January 2012) and ran f...
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:09 am
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: You paid HOW MUCH ??!!
Replies: 1
Views: 1755

Re: You paid HOW MUCH ??!!

In fact, this first example is one I'd already posted on the last page of the 7A38-6000 SAA039J model specific thread in mid-January, but not updated with a result (by the time I ceased posting on the old forum). It continues the trend for price-hiking of this popular model, that was re-ignited by o...
by Seiko7A38
Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:03 am
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: You paid HOW MUCH ??!!
Replies: 1
Views: 1755

You paid HOW MUCH ??!!

Readers will recall that on the old forum, I 'maintained' around 3 dozen of the 7A38-xxxx model specific threads, by continually adding updates of eBay (and other) listings and sales results for the respective model. It was very labour intensive and not always as productive as it could have been. :|...
by Seiko7A38
Wed Feb 03, 2021 11:35 am
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

Re: How to upload a photo(s) to your post

Here's a very quick example of how to upload a photo as an attachment. At the bottom left hand corner you'll see Attachments . Click on it and then the grey button [Add files]. HowtoUploadPhoto-Attach-1.png Click on the thumbnail of the photo in your PC's folder (or other device) and 'Open'. You'll ...
by Seiko7A38
Wed Feb 03, 2021 10:51 am
Forum: phpBB Forum Support
Topic: How to upload a photo(s) to your post
Replies: 7
Views: 9371

How to upload a photo(s) to your post

There are two ways you can embed a photo (or photos - up to a maximum of 10 permitted) in a post: By adding it as an attachment (to the forum), or by hot-linking it from a remote image hosting service. No doubt many will opt for the former, thinking it is more convenient, but it will also require so...
by Seiko7A38
Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:29 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Test Post #1
Replies: 10
Views: 10609

Re: Test Post #1

By the way, I've increased the number of posts per page to 20 (it was set at 10). ;)

Just to see if I could, I also moved the entire thread from 7Axx Discussion to General Discussion. 8-)
by Seiko7A38
Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:31 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Test Post #1
Replies: 10
Views: 10609

Re: Test Post #1

Absolutely, yes. That would give you a nice welcome and support area for people. You're absolutely right. That was one of the failings of the old forum. So much stuff didn't get read, because it was all lumped together, with too many stickies at the top. BTW, I nearly missed seeing your 2 newest po...
by Seiko7A38
Tue Feb 02, 2021 3:07 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Test Post #1
Replies: 10
Views: 10609

Re: Test Post #1

A support sub forum will help.. some stickys up top.. We had something like that on the old Webs forum, John, or at least this 'How to' thread: But It was just lumped together with all t...
by Seiko7A38
Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:35 pm
Forum: eBay, LeBonCoin, Mercado Libre, Yahoo Japan, etc.
Topic: When 12 photos are simply just not enough
Replies: 0
Views: 5878

When 12 photos are simply just not enough

As readers are probably aware, eBay allows sellers to embed a maximum of 12 photos in a listing (@ 1600x1200 resolution). Even with that reasonable number, which is quite sufficient to include shots from every angle, you'll sometimes see duplication. So prepare yourself .... This average condition 7...